Wednesday, May 5, 2010

The Catholic Church and Satan

Now the pope is in the spotlight for his own role as architect of the cover up and therefore as facilitator of countless additional child rapes that could have been prevented if he and his church hadn’t been solely concerned about their own reputation. A reputation that now couldn’t be any lower..I’ve often thought that if Satan were a Christian he would be a catholic. So it came as no surprise to be told last week that Satan is in fact ensconced in the Catholic Church, is working directly out of the Vatican controlling operations from a big old captains chair. Ok I made that last bit up but only because it’s the image that always comes to mind whenever I think of the Catholic Church.. and the churches chief exorcist, (yes such a post really does exist..i don’t know if its higher or lower than say a wizard but its pretty high up in the mumbo jumbo department).. And he says that Satan is living in the Vatican.. Well I don’t think much of Satan’s choice of company but if Satan really is a catholic then it might help to explain some of the events over the last 2000 years.

Before the reformations about 500 years ago all Christians in Europe were Catholics.. Until the church became just to corrupt and debouched even for Christianity to stomach. But it is the original church of Christ that says it is upon this rock I will build my church referring of course to saint peter, the first pope, (whose nickname apparently was rock.) Unfortunately human nature being what it is, the moment the church was established it became a political organization which meant that the consolidation of power and influence quickly became much more important than the message.. message??What message??ooohh that message…haha. And inevitably this lead to bickering about status and who got to wear the big ring and the fancy hat (you know the really important stuff..haha)until before long, rival popes were facing each other with mast armies on the battlefield, in the name of Christ naturally. Now even at this point if Jesus had come back he would have said “what are u people doing?? I haven’t been gone 5 mins and already you’re hacking each other to pieces like a bunch of savages.. you’ve missed the point so completely he would say, wouldn’t he, your so far away to the mark here this is wayyy beyond embarrassing he would say.. I feel like I’m talking to chimpanzees he would say..(no offense by the way to any chimps who might be reading this) and this is early days don’t forget..Jesus wouldn’t yet know anything about all the other horrors that were about to be enacted In his name in the coming years, the crusades the inquisitions, he wouldn’t know about the systematic suppression of knowledge and free thought that would characterize his church for the next 2000 years, he wouldn’t know about the conquest of the new world where the sacred cross of Jesus slashed and burned their way thru entire populations in a way that modern jihadis can only dream about..imposing itself with unparallel cruelty on civilizations half a world away that even today still don’t know what quiet hit them.. This is the church that claims credit for keeping civilization during the dark ages, but the truth is that clergy were the only people who knew how to read and write and they made damn sure that it stayed that way for hundreds of years..when the printing press was finally invented in Europe,( 700 years after the Chinese invented it,) the church condemned it as a work of the devil,(takes one to know one I guess) the first man to translate the bible into English was burned at the stake for his trouble, along with any astronomers and free thinkers they could round up when they weren’t too busy making money from selling places in heaven.. or rolling boulders of dogma into the path of science at every opportunity from Galileo all the way up to the present day.. This is a church that condemned the small pox vaccine as a violation of gods will, it opposed Anastasias in child birth because a woman is supposed to suffer pain as punishment for eve’s sin..Not Adams but eves sin..The sin of being a woman..thats one of the main sins in the entire Christian faith and the other being, yes u guessed it, the Jews killing Jesus..

You know if the Jews really killed Jesus they didn’t do a very good job because apparently he is still alive.. The Jews got all the blame.. And about 70 years ago they took the blame 6 million times as a direct result of the catholic churches rabid anti-Semitic teachings..Europe is often referred to as a judeo Christian culture but historically it’s always been more of a Jew hating Christian culture thanks entirely to the Catholic Church..For centuries the church in Europe preached opened hatred against Jews.. Assiduously imbedding Jew hatred into the very fabric of society just as it is in many Muslim countries today…they made it virtuous to despise Jews and it became politically correct to be anti Semitic..And this was no lapse of judgment or some flash of insanity by some crazy pope, this was centuries of Institutionalization and deliberately focused hatred..When the popes still had executive power, one after another they passed laws to victimize and humiliate Jews and steal their property, Jews weren’t allowed to hold public office or to mix on equal terms with Christians. They were obliged to wear yellow hats in some cases to identify themselves..Ring any bells?? They were restricted to certain occupations and certain locations and they were massacred on a regular bases by faithful pious and righteous Christians with the churches approval.. So when Hitler came along it was easy for him to pick on Jews because the Catholic Church had already made them such an easy target by consistently fingering them as hated Christ killers..Hitler knew he would have a lot of support because he knew that generations of catholic children had been taught by their religion to hate Jews just as many Muslim children are today..How could they not be influenced? How could society not be poisoned? And Hitler by the way was a catholic, not an atheist as people often claim..He was baptized a catholic and he was never excommunicated for his crimes..No Nazis were ever excommunicated by the Catholic Church although every commonest on the planet was..Indeed the catholic actually provided documentation to help many Nazis escape to South America or to certain Arab countries who wanted to exploit their expertise in exterminating Jews. If you believe in Satan and if you believe that Satan is responsible for all the evil in this world. Then the Catholic Church is surely his most fiendishly brilliant creation..Because when you look at its record, it’s hard to imagine how the Catholic Church could have had a more negative influence on human history than it has..And it’s even harder not to conclude that any other organization with this track record would be legislated out of existence as an enemy of humanity..If the Catholic Church hadn’t so consistently and verdantly condemned the Jews for killing Jesus there would have probably have been no holocaust, there would have been no reason for anyone to think about picking on Jews..And that means that today there might be no Jewish state and no Middle East conflict..

That’s quiet a lot to have on your conscience isn’t it?? How fortunate for the Catholic Church, that it doesn’t possess a conscience..but at least it gives ordinary Catholics an opportunity to feel guilty about something real for a change if they feel so inclined, and to reflect on the reality that the Jews didn’t kill Jesus at all, the catholic church killed Jesus, and has spent the last 2000 years dragging his entrails thru the dirt and if he came back tomorrow, he would be the first to say so..You know its true..We all do..

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